Alcorn Central

Alcorn Central’s Baleigh Vanderford named statewide player of the week

Alcorn Central’s Baleigh Vanderford had been named the statewide volleyball player of the week by the AVCA and MaxPreps.

From the release on her stats:

Mississippi BaleighVanderford Alcorn Central (Glen, MS), 12-5 5’7 Senior, S Week of August 19 – August 25, 2019: 15 Games Played Stats: Assists: 129 Assists/Game: 8.60 Team Hitting%: 0.312 Digs: 5 Aces: 10

Congrats to a great Alcorn County athlete!

One thought on “Alcorn Central’s Baleigh Vanderford named statewide player of the week

  • Harold Lancaster

    You rock girl. Great week of volleyball.


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